Monday, January 30, 2006

those poor fat chickens

this just in from medical news today

Can You Catch Obesity? Apparently You Can, Say Researchers
Category: Obesity/Overweight/Fitness News
Article Date: 30 Jan 2006 - 15:00pm (UK)

In the past, all we had to worry about was our ability, or inability, to resist fattening foods. According to new research, many cases of obesity may be the result of an infectious disease - more specifically, the human adenovirus Ad-37. According to Dr L Whigham and team, Dept of Nutritional Sciences, Wisconsin University, obesity is a chronic and complex disease. He says that there are lots of factors contributing to the broad epidemic. He adds that it is very possible that the obesity explosion is partially due to an infectious disease.

You can read about this study in the American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. Dr Whigham says the human adenovirus Ad-37 makes chickens obese. Previous studies have indicated that other viruses, which are found in humans, can also trigger obesity. Whighan says his team have identified three viruses that make chickens, and most likely humans, fat. He says further research is needed to see how many of the other 50 or so adenoviruses may have similar effects.

The research team says the evidence is strong that viruses make humans and animals fat - they raise the amount of fat we carry in our fat cells. The aim of the team, after they have concluded their studies and identified which viruses make us fat, is to develop an anti-obesity vaccine that targets these viruses. Dr Whigham said there are people who are not fat but carry the virus. He stressed that good diet and exercise still plays a crucial role in regulating our weight and good health. He says he does not know how diet and exercise interact with the virus.

Many have written to Medical News Today on this theme. The common thread among the e-mails is that diet and physical activity play the major roles on how much we weigh. We all lead alarmingly sedentary lives and we eat too much processed junk food - and too much food. One person emailed in with: ‘These chickens in the study that got fat because they had the virus - were they sedentary? What would happen if you split the chickens up into two groups? One group with the virus, but doing lots of exercise and eating good food in the right quantity, and the other group without the virus, sedentary, with loads of fattening food. I bet the second group would be fatter. Perhaps the virus plays a tiny role - but I am sure diet and exercise are the factors that really matter.'

Written by: Christian Nordqvist

errr ... now what do we make of that? should we start buying stock in cadbury's? and why can't i get rid of the idea of overblown chicken breasts? maybe i should go to bed ...

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