Monday, January 16, 2006

do you want your own blog - part 2

hello everyone

well, this is funny. here i'm getting ready to tell you what (very little) i know about blogging, and i start it off with a blunder. the first entry of "do you want your own blog" contains no text ... ;) - and then i find out that the first part didn't even get published (???) - looks like i still have a lot to learn ...

blogging is the simplest, simplest way of starting your own web site. it takes less than five minutes to start (at least with, the host i'm using - i'm sure it's not much different for other hosts). and of course you can get really fancy, with pictures and sound and video and all the bells and whistles.

you can read blogs by directly going to the web site that contains the blog, or you can use what's called an RSS feed reader (RSS stands for "real simple syndication"). this is similar to web-based email. every time you log on to the feed site (the reader), you will find updates on all the blogs you're interested in. if you already use web based email like yahoo or gmail, you'll have a built-in reader there (e.g. in yahoo it's on the "my yahoo" page).

if you want to learn a little more about blogs, here are a few links:

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