Wednesday, June 14, 2006

international bloggers day

today is international webloggers day so i thought i’d look at what people in other countries do who seem to have interests similar to mine.

in germany, joerg undeutsch (that translates to “george un-german”) has a blog called ”flattersatz” (“flapping sentences”). in one entry, he talks about living life to the fullest. instead of living in hypocrisy, it’s better to

“run naked through the rain, stumble, pick yourself up again despite the bruised knees and bloody lips and eyes where rain and tears mingle – tears of joy, desperation, mourning and lust.”

well, i have to say that’s right up my alley, although i guess i would prefer it if the rain was warm and i could wear sneakers.

then we go to barcelona, spain, where mercedes p., in el divan del psicologo (the psychologist’s couch) talks about her virtual relationship with her psychoanalyst who lives 12,000 km away, in buenos aires, argentina. her blog’s tag reads

“life was created to be lived in eternal enjoyment, infinite liberty, unconditional love and unlimited consciousness. anything less, and you’ve completely lost the objective of having been born human.”
interesting. i wonder what mother teresa would have said about that.

and before we go over to the U.S., a blog written by two danes, brainethics, with a rather more left-brain content than our friends from germany and spain. they report on a scientific paper that investigated people’s responses to other people’s pupil sizes. apparently a diminishing pupil size led to some observers’ believing that the other person was sad. when that was the case, the observers’ pupil sizes also tended to diminish.

so – squint if you need sympathy!

finally, back to good old north america where clearly most blogs reside. i actually went to technorati and tried to find psychology related blogs from all kinds of places (africa, india, new zealand, australia, ireland, scotland) but just couldn’t come up with anything worthwhile.

here are north american blogs i look at on a regular basis:

creating passionate users; love their post on the effect of being around negative people, and how they bust the myth that happy people are boring

good old hugo schwyzer, who has a lot of intelligent things to say about a lot of things – for example, feminism and body image

and finally, the happiness guy – check out the post on decluttering the mind.

isabella mori
counselling in vancouver

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Happy International Webloggers' Day!

You still have time to participate in our forum!

register to get in the closed forum, then login to post away.

I too have searched sites high and low.
I spent several days checking out random blogs, and today I am reading every blog on the "Official List"

I hope my motto helps in your search:
Lynn from Canada says
"It is never about the stuff. It is about the substance."
